
Signature Analysis

Signature Analysis– For Better Evaluation Of One’s Cosmic Energy

We are about to discuss the topic which has almost equal importance in science as well as astrology. Their way of looking at it can be slightly different, but the observations from handwriting and signature by scientific or astrological point of view are almost undebatable. You might not be aware of what your signature and […]

Crucial Placement And Direction Tips

Industry Establishment And Vaastu Shastra- Crucial Placement And Direction Tips

Vaastu-Shastra is often mistaken as a religious practice and prayer, due to its origin in India, people had the misconception that it had something to do with Hinduism in totality. But in reality, it doesn’t as Dr. Ravi Rao has worked with several international firms across the world too. Results have always been as expected; […]

Industry Establishment And Vaastu Shastra – The Eight Directions

Industries are the backbone of our economy. India has a vast and large industrial setup, which is still growing. In today times, when technology and science are in their prime, people often overlook the significance of Vaastu Shastra. Especially in our country (India), which is the origin of this traditional architecture. Our […]

Vastu and Technology

Vaastu and Technology

Beginning in the mid-1980s, the advent of the personal computer and fax machine, along with breakthroughs in telecommunications created opportunities for office workers to telecommute, leading to the creation of home offices. Telecommuting also benefitted employers in the form of lower overheads and potentially greater employee productivity. Technology has also placed a demand on larger […]